Sunday, 26 January 2014

2014 Year of the Lazy Girl

As we start a brand new year it's always a good time for everyone to stop and reset our lives, rethink our goals and re calibrate our thoughts. The Lazy girls are no different.

Lazy Girl A and Lazy Girl F are facing 2014 head's how we are doing it...

Lazy Girl F
New Years resolutions have never been a success for me. In fact they've been so unsuccessful that for the last few years I haven't made any at all. This year though I'm determined to face the new year with a plan ('plans' are definitely not as scary as resolutions). My plan is simple:
'Move more and eat clean'. 
This sounds simple but it will be a huge challenge for me. The last few months of 2013 I have been plagued by injuries and am still receiving treatment for this but I'm still determined to move daily in 2014. To help me do this I have just ordered a Nike Fuelband from the US. I've been drooling over this for a while now and waiting patiently for it to be released in australia and it looks like it will be a while before it hits Oz so I bit the bullet and ordered online. The fuelband is apparently great for motivation, tracking goals and hitting targets so I treated myself to an early birthday present. Watch this space for more info in the coming months. 
I also want to commit to 3-5 exercise sessions a week. This will be a mix of PT sessions, workouts with Lazy girl A and Pilates. As an incentive Lazy Girl A and I have decided to pay ourselves each time we workout this year. $1 -$2 for each workout will add up to a nice little handbag from Mimco or some nice jewelry from Tiffany this time next year. Stay tuned for our progress on that. 
As for eating clean well that will also prove to be challenging. Eating clean means having little or no processed food and eating food as close to its 'natural' state as possible. Whilst I already know that I won't be able to succeed with this 100% I really want to try and eat more clean meals than processed ones. I love The Healthy Chef Website by Theresa Cutter and love her recipes so will be trying to make more of those. I also love the inspiration on the Move Nourish Believe site (Living the Lorna Jane Philosophy) so will make some things for there too and report on my findings. 

So for me, 2014 is going to be the year of me. I am committed and focused on making even more healthy changes that will improve my life. I look forward to seeing where I am this time next year. Hopefully fitter, healthier and rocking some Tiffany jewels! 

Lazy Girl F xx

Lazy Girl A
I think New Years is a great time to reflect on the year gone by, praise yourself for your accomplishments and evaluate those areas that need improvement.  For me, 2013 has been a great positive start on my path to become healthier and fitter, however I still have quite a way to go.

In 2013 I have achieved the following:

  • I see a personal trainer once a week
  • I’m in a routine of exercising 3-4 times a week
  • I’ve started running again
  • I ran (...well... jogged... really slowly...) the entire Bridge to Brisbane fun run (10km)
  • I have done a few ocean swims at Byron Bay (Clarkes to Main Beach)
  • I’ve completed a few monthly fitness challenges
  • Most importantly, I have started this blog with the amazing Lazy Girl F to help keep me inspired, motivated and accountable
I also have a few, but fairly major areas to work on, including:
  • Near the end of the year I stopped running, this needs to be a regular part of my routine in order to keep my fitness levels up and continue to improve.
  • FOOD! I need to work on eating better! This is my biggest area requiring improvement and the element that I struggle with the most.
So what am I going to do about it? Like Lazy Girl F, it is all about having a plan. My plan is to:
‘Be organised. Be serious. Be accountable’

 What does that mean? I’m going to:
  • be organised to plan my meals and pre-prepare meals (especially for breakfast and work lunches) so that I am less likely to binge on junk food. I’ve purchased some cute new Kikki.K stationary to help the boyfriend and I plan our dinners.
  • be serious about my exercise I’m not just going to turn up to the gym or PT – I’m going to push myself in each session. I’m researching heart rate monitors and watches (at the moment I’m thinking Garmin Forerunner 220 or 620) to help me track the intensity of my sessions.
  • be accountable - I’m setting measurable goals and committing to more exercise challenges like fun runs, bigger ocean swims and longer distance for running. I’m going to focus on giving back to my supportive network by writing meaningful blog posts for my fellow Lazy Girlfriends.

2013 has been an amazingly positive start, but 2014 is going to push things even further! This time next year, be prepared to be jealous of our new Mimco handbags and Tiffany jewels!

Lazy Girl A xx

So what are you doing to make 2014 YOUR year?

photo credit: <a href="">danielmoyle</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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