Monday, 30 September 2013

Is it ever OK to wear a bum bag?

I'm not much of a runner, but I am trying. I'm using an app called Runkeeper  to track my running (sometimes more walking than running) in order to help motivate me by monitoring my progress - and it seems to be working. The only downside is that the app is on my iPhone, so I need to carry it while I run. Previously I was just carrying it in my hand, but as I got sweaty I was concerned that it may slip out of my hands and it is kinda awkward to carry it in my hand.

I had seen heaps of super fit people running with arm bands for their phones, so I thought that I would give it a go. So I popped into Lorna Jane to get an arm band and may have ended up with a couple of other purchases (they were really cute and I had to have them) which meant that I had spent enough to get the free monthly gift (YIKES!) which happened to be a "running belt" which is a fancy way of saying "bum bag". I graciously accepted the gift thinking that I would never use it as my other Lazy Girl friends would mock me for eternity!

So for my next run I tried out my new arm band. It was ok, but it still felt kinda heavy and a little awkward. Frustrated, I decided to give the fancy bum bag a go. I hid it underneath my top and went for my run - it was FANTASTIC! It sits comfortably in the small of my back and I couldn't even feel that it was there. Plus it had the added bonus of being able to put my house keys and a credit card in there. Honestly, in the type of gear that I wear, you can't even see it! 

I told my Lazy Girl friends about it, and whilst they did mock me a little bit at first, I don't care because they don't know what they are missing and I love my Lorna Jane Running Belt!

Oh and don't worry, the arm band isn't going to waste - the boyfriend sometimes uses it when he goes for a run (under his T-shirt sleeve of course)! 
Lazy Girl A xx

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