Monday, 7 October 2013

Book Review: More of the Fit Woman's Secrets by Lorna Jane Clarkson

It's no secret that we are both huge fans of the Lorna Jane clothing line and her Move,Nourish, Believe philosophy so I was pretty keen to get my hands on her new book 'More of the Fit Woman's Secrets'.

This is Lorna Jane's second book and despite some very good sales talking from the girl at Lorna Jane who tried to talk me into buying both, I decided I would still buy this one without having read the first one.
I read the whole book in one night and I really enjoyed it. It contained lots of interesting information, not only about Lorna herself, but about how we can nourish our bodies, minds and souls. 

It contained a lot of great information about fitness and exercising. It even included some great exercise plans you can follow at home.

I loved that there was recipes included. Whilst I haven't had the chance to make any of them yet they all look relatively simple and achievable.

As well as recipes to eat there are also lots of beauty recipes for cleansers etc. I loved this! Can't wait to try them.

Finally, there is a lot of inspiring quotes and stories from the lady herself. Lorna Jane really has built quite an empire and this is exploding not only in Australia but internationally also. What an inspiring lady! I love the fact that she isn't all about making money she's about inspiring others and helping women to be the best they can be.

When I grow up I want to be just like Lorna Jane! 

Lazy Girl F xx

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