We want you to join us on our journey, as we learn to:
- Fit daily activity into our very busy lives
- Make healthier versions of the food we love
- Find fun activities to get involved with our family and friends
- Explore ways to overcome our greatest excuses
We have made a commitment to start our healthy lifestyle journey - are you with us?
Lazy Girl A & Lazy Girl F xx
Getting to know Lazy Girl A
I've always wished that I could be one of those girls that can eat anything and everything and not be overweight - unfortunately I was not blessed with a speedy metabolism and I LOVE food!
I was kinda managing ok, but then I went traveling for a year and when I came back I was the heaviest I have ever been. The moment that made me really get motivated to make a change was when I got weighed at the Australian Red Cross Blood Service before donating blood. I almost cried (I did later in the privacy of home) when I realized that I weighed the same as my 6ft tall boyfriend - I'm only 5ft 4" tall!
Since then, I've been progressively making small changes to my lifestyle and I have got some results. However, I still haven't reached my goals and I am still struggling with food! I'm hoping that by writing this blog with Fiona I'll get closer to achieving my goals and maybe help out my fellow Lazy Girlfriends!
Lazy Girl A xx
Getting to know Lazy Girl F
Let's face it - exercise and I have never been friends. Asthma plagued me as a child and made exercising hard so I learned to hate it.
Lazy Girl F xx
Lazy Girl A xx
Getting to know Lazy Girl F
Let's face it - exercise and I have never been friends. Asthma plagued me as a child and made exercising hard so I learned to hate it.
Then, in my early twenties a bad car accident forced me to rethink the way I did everything. Exercising became even harder and my promising Olympic career was now over. Just joking but exercising now came with extra limitations. Luckily I had a fairly active job as a primary school teacher and whilst I wasn't a supermodel I managed to maintain an ok weight for a long time.
Recently though I changed my career path and am now sitting at a desk all day. Combine that with getting older (yes I'm older than Amanda (taller too for those interested!) lol) and some very recent health discoveries and getting healthy suddenly became a priority.
My journey is always going to be slower than those around me due to my injuries and illnesses and it's taken me a long time to be ok with that. For such a long time it was easier for me to not even try because there were just too many limitations. Now I realise that all I need to do is just keep making small changes every day and keep moving forward. Oh and it actually does help to have cute Lorna Jane gear to workout in. :-)
Amanda and I are both on this journey together but our paths are quite different. We are facing our own fears and limitations which often morph into a myriad of excuses. 'I can't because...' Each of you can probably fill in the blank with your own excuse. We know because we've used them all!
We are committing to making our own small changes, every day. What changes will you make? Comment below and tell us what your commitment will be?
Lazy Girl F xx
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