Wednesday, 18 December 2013

How to succeed at a 30 day challenge

Want to do a 30 day exercise challenge, but just can't seem to make it work? We have some hints and tips to help you on your way. We also have an exciting 30 day challenge starting in December!

1. Pick an achievable challenge - not all 30 day challenges are created equal! Look closely at the exercises and find one that is at your ability level. 

2. Get a Lazy Girlfriend to do it with you - this is a must! We all struggle with motivation from time to time, which is why it's so important to have supportive Lazy Girlfriends to encourage you along the way. We have a private Facebook group that we check into each day once we complete the challenge and to provide support to each other. 

3. Find what works for you - everyone is different. Some people like to get the challenge done first thing in the morning, in their lunch break or in the evening whilst watching their favorite TV show. You need to find what works for you and make it a habit not a chore. 

4. Reward yourself - treat yourself to those super cute ballet flats you've had your eye on. Decide on your reward at the beginning of the challenge, so when you start to think about giving up - you can think about the guilt free shopping you can do at the end. 

Lazy Girls are committing to another 30 day challenge for December, which is going to be extra challenging over the Christmas holidays. We think it is the perfect time to get committed to adding a small amount of exercise to your every day life. Are you with us?

Lazy Girl A xx

The Challenge
December 1 we are starting a 30 day push-up challenge! Now before you freak out, have a closer look. It is a slow progressive build up to 20 push-ups and you need the remember the 3 different levels of push-ups so you can work within your ability level.

Level 1: Arms out wide with your knees tucked in closer to your body
Level 2: Arms out wide, on your knees, tummy tucked in tight and keep your bottom down (keep your toes on the ground to prevent you from rocking)
Level 3: Arms out wide, on your toes, tummy tucked in tight and keep your bottom down
We get our 30 day challenges from If this challenge doesn't suit you have a look at their site for something that appeals to you. Also have a look at their app which includes many more challenges and details on technique. 

Good luck and stay in touch! We would love to hear how you are going with the challenge!

Lazy Girl A & Lazy Girl F xx

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