Monday, 9 December 2013 drink or not to drink?

Ok...I'll admit it...I have a dirty little secret...I HATE drinking water. I know it's good for me, I know I need to, but I just don't like it....I know I'm not alone here.. right?

Whilst Lazy Girl A drinks water like it's well....water, I have never been as diligent with my water intake. I know all the scientific reasons why I should drink it, I know it is good for me but I just forget, and prefer the taste of other beverages.

I can make all the excuses in the world but the fact is I know I need to drink more water. So I decided to set my own 30 day challenge to drink more water. 30 day challenges don't have to all be about exercise - you can set your own personal challenge - go on... I dare you!

Every good challenge needs an incentive right?? So I bought myself a cute new Lorna Jane drink bottle (2 actually - a girl needs to be prepared for any H20 emergency!) This water bottle had an added bonus of time markings so I knew how much I needed to have drunk at each time during the day to meet my 2 litre goal! It became my own personal competition to meet each milestone. Not only did I have a visual reminder of how I was tracking it also meant that Lazy Girl A could watch me and bully me when I was off target and trust me she can give some mean looks when she wants to. Scary!

So whilst there are lots of reasons why I hate drinking water I soon found that after a week or two there was some big positives as well.
  • I lost weight faster the more I drank water
  • I didn't snack as often
  • I had less headaches
  • My skin was clearer
  • My Dr told me I now have the kidneys of an 18year old!
What a difference drinking some water can make!! Who knew?

So, whilst I still don't love drinking more water, I have found some ways make it easier to include it in my life. Here's some tips to help you include more water in your day:
  • Add a slice of lemon. This gives more flavour and adds a detox element.
  • Invest in a cute water bottle that you love. This actually made a huge difference for me!
  • Make sure you have a water bottle with you wherever you go. I have smaller bottles that fit in my handbag and other reusable bottles at home and work so I have no excuses.
  • Have an accountability buddy. A family member, friend or colleague who can remind you to drink more water. (Lazy Girl A leaves post it notes on my desk to remind me)
  • Set reminders in your phone or download an app like idrated to allows you to log your water intake and sends reminders to drink more.
  • If you are out and have forgotten your water, buy a bottle. Sure, bottled water can be expensive but so are the medical bills when your kidneys fail. Just saying! :-)
So what's your excuse for not drinking enough water and how are you going to fix it?

Lazy Girl F xx

Lazy Girl A wants you to know she isn't a bully just 'suggestively helpful and supportive' ;-) 


  1. I can totally relate! I downloaded the Water Your Body (Android) app and it's my little nag (I mean helpful and supportive) reminder.
    I'm still working up to my 2 litres every day but am getting closer and more consistently. Feeling better for it too. :)

  2. That's awesome Kelly! It's always good to have something (or someone) to nag you. Am happy to loan you Lazy Girl A if you need extra reminders :-) Lazy Girl F xx
